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3 min read
Boundaries- The Final Frontier to Self Love
The word “bounadaries” alone, appears to the human consciousness collective to stand for a mixed bag of emotional and spiritual meaning....

16 min read
Energy Vampires and Narcissists - Navigating Through the Eggshells
If anyone tells you to stop bringing so much “drama”, this post is for them. There is no such thing as “drama”. You have a right to feel...

2 min read
You are Limitless
For those of you who have followed me for some time, you know that the first question I always pose to the ascended being with whom I...

2 min read
The Great Awakening of 2018 is Here
We have been hearing the distant rumblings for more than a decade now. Like a great cosmic freight train which is slowly yet steadily...

1 min read
You Have a Choice
One look at the news these days can easily send us to a dark place…the latest attack by a radical group on innocent civilians, another...

3 min read
2018: The Year of Emergence
((1/11/18)) 2017, the year of transformation, came to a chaotic end finally, after much aplomb and disarray. For the lightworker and...

5 min read
VOE: Why doesn’t Law of Attraction Work Anymore?
Everything is connected. What we think, feel, speak, believe and act upon has a corresponding effect on the world around us. All beings...
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