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17 min read
Dwelling, The Loch Ness Monster and Other Seemingly Incomprehensible Dilemmas
Dwelling is something many of you have discussed with me with either because you had the following question: “Why am I DWELLING so much...

5 min read
Overlay and Transitional Colors
An overlay color is a color I see that shows itself similar to a mask over one’s eyes or entire face. It is a thin or thick wall of color...

4 min read
The Flow of the I AM
Piezoelectric energy is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials (crystals, ceramics and biological matter such as...

7 min read
The Rainbow Aura – The Journey From Duality to Celebration!
Many of you have been asking about rainbow children, rainbow adults, their purposes on earth, how to transition to a rainbow, etc. This...

8 min read
How to Transcend 3D Duality
As many of you are well aware, the earth is going through an intense period of transition, from the third dimension to the fifth...

14 min read
Great Spiritual Awakening of Humanity (transitions to indigo, crystal, lavender or rainbow)
It starts with a vague feeling of something not quite being ‘right’. Then goes to full on “cray cray” land, right? The transition from...

5 min read
Walking in the Light of the Shadow Body – Aura Alchemy process
So what happens after shadow work? After you’ve faced (and felt) as many possible subconscious memories and integrated them with inner...
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