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What is the
Mystical Academy?
Mystical Academy is part of Pamela’s Mentorship program.
In Mystical Academy you can learn to develop skills like:
- Channeling;
- Akashic Record Reading;
- Healing Abilities;
- Quantum alchemy;
- And more.
It helps you develop natural spiritual abilities, heal karma, and unlock dharma and life purpose.
It requires commitment and emotional maturity.
Each session is one-on-one, 40 mins long, and through Zoom. Links are provided when each appointment is scheduled by the student and the sessions should be scheduled each month to maintain a flow of work.
Sufficient time needs to be given to homework, practice and etc.
Only Purchase and Book if you have been approved.
To submit approval, click the button below.
Mystery School is part of Pamela’s mentorship program.
In Pamela’s Mystery School, Pamela teaches:
- The Sacred Mysteries through the Tree of Life;
- The 13 kingdoms of God that can be found on the Tree of Life;
- Each sphere on the Tree is studied and meditated on using invocations.
The Mystery School isn’t for everyone. It is a wonderful place to expand your knowledge, and as with true initiates, it flows into their daily lives as they walk the Paths of the Tree. It requires commitment and emotional maturity.
Each session is one-on-one, 40 mins long, and through Zoom. Links are provided when each appointment is scheduled by the student and the sessions should be scheduled each month to maintain a flow of work.
Sufficient time needs to be given to homework, practice and etc.
This package includes 10 mentorship sessions, of 40 mins each.
Only Purchase and Book if you have been approved.
To submit approval, click the button below.

Mystery School
Mystical Academy
What you can take away from Mentorship
You can learn to experience:
- The dissolution of any power-over/power-under dynamic
holding you hostage;
- Being God; that is extending Love through constant forgiveness
in every moment;
- Desire as acceptance, allowance, and contentment, without seeking for different or better;
- Desire without attachment as the means of spiritual creation;
- Your internal world and your external world as One.
Only Purchase and Book if you have been approved.
To submit approval, click the button below.

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