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March  2025

Patreon Schedule of Events





Welcome Back and Welcome all New Members


Welcome to a new month,  thank you for being here.​

Here is our schedule for all our Tiers. Thank you for supporting my work. 


March 4th March at 9am ET - Tiers 1-6 Class: Psychic Energy Hygiene- The Building Blocks to Channeling and the Psychic Arts

  •  It is important to train the mind and body to be in a clear, pure vibrational state in order to prepare to channel. Otherwise channeling won't happen for most.

  • This powerful class will give simple, sacred and safe ways to ground, clear, protect and center one into the Self. This is truly 80 percent or more of why most people can't channel or won't remain clear channels. Without daily psychic energy hygiene, most won't be in the vibrational state to match a loving, holy vibrational Consciousness.

  • These are tips I've taught throughout the years to those in my mentorship programs to prepare for channeling.


March 6th at 9am ET - Tiers 4-6 Channeling- The Ethics of Channeling and Mediumship 


March 11th at 9am ET - Tiers 4-6 Spiritual Bonfire

  • Come connect and meet our community. Ask personal questions from me and get answers. Chat and catch up. Live only (for your privacy).

  • Come meet with the community, get to know each other and have another opportunity to ask Pamela questions.

  • Looking for a deeper, more personal connection with Pamela and this community?

  • Come joins us and go deeper into your spiritual development together as a community.

PRIVATE and not recorded or reposted anywhere


March 13th at 9am ET - Tiers 1-6 Channeling & Class: The 7 Graces- Find What Lights You Up and Stay in a Sacred, Pure Vibration

  • As a channel, it is important to KNOW THYSELF. Knowing who you are means knowing your essence. Knowing what lights you up, what excites you and knowing your passion.

  • Grace IS higher Self Essence. Grace is not from religion- it is simply the essence you choose as a fractal of Divinity before you embody as a human. 

  • Grace can heal you, protect you and help you stay clear in channeling AND connect you to your entire life purpose. Without Grace, humanity feels empty and lost. Grace is the MOST important part of being a clear channel. 


March 18th at 9am ET - Tiers 2-6 Mystical Masterclass: Know Thyself- Recognizing and Removing Blocks to Channeling

  • It's important to know the three decrees of the human ascension path so that one may learn to recognize why channeling isn't really happening much for them.

  • Let's go through some of the most common blocks to channeling and give basic tips on how to remove these blocks and become a more clear channel.


March 20th at 9am ET - Tiers 5-6- Surprise Sound Healing, Class or Channeling


March 25th at 9am ET - Tiers 1-6  Spiritual Development Q and A

  • Join other members to ask me anything you like. Keep in mind that crypto questions will be limited.

  • Come ask your questions for deeper connection and spiritual development. 

  • Please keep in mind that all financial questions are intuitive predictions based on a collective timeline. I am not a financial advisor and I am not qualified to give official advice on finances, cypto and investments. Please invest only what you can afford to lose. Be aware that timelines change like underwear right now in the world, as we are multidimensional beings with a plethora of both individual and collective timelines from which to choose and create. 


March 27th at 9am ET - Tiers 3-6 Class- The Ascension Toolkit and Expansion Modules- Healing Core Beliefs

  • BELIEFS are how we create and live as humans. Everything is manifested from belief.

  • What beliefs are holding you back in channeling and in your ascension path.

  • How do you clear them?​

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